Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adult Males Needed

We need six male models/actors that are 18 and older WITH suits. Mandatory on the suits.

"The Deadwalk" is premiering on March 29th at the Plaza Cinema Theater in downtown Orlando at 7pm.
Adam Thorvaldson, lead makeup and special effects/film editor, needs six male actors/models with suits to sit for zombie makeup with the Rebecca McGillicuddy, second unit lead makeup, and her team. All responders need to be available and at location by 5pm.
The end look is six zombie ushers walking around being scary but not gore. Please don't bring anything you think would work because there is a specific look we are needing to accomplish. This is not paid but great for your resume and future events with Road Kill Cinemas.
Please contact Adam Thorvaldson at adam@roadkillcinema.com with your photo, information and contact.
Thank you.