Monday, May 11, 2009

Commercial Casting



I'm working with Rodger on his upcoming commercial and he told me to email you the specs for the actors needed so you could forward this to whomever may be interested.

We are looking for

50+ 18-40 yrs old bald/shaved headed white males or females ( if your not bald but will shave your head please submit and let them know as well)
1 older man 50 yrs old with a powerful voice
4 Large security guards

Dates are not set in stone yet but we will be shooting in June. If anyone is interested I can put them on an email list and keep them informed with the dates and such. There is no pay for this project but we will be feeding the actors for their time provided.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you.

Lucas Arreguin
(419) 889-5729