Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Extra Casting Call!

Hi Nancy,
Can you please forward this posting to your contacts? Thank you!

Project Title: Turkey Bacon

Posted: (6/15/10)

Production Company: KAR Productions

Contact Person: Anissa Rogers

Contact: Submit resume and headshot to anissajs@hotmail.com

Pay Info: Non-paying project

Shoot Dates/Location: Sat. June 19 – Lake Mary, FL 32746



KAR Productions is looking for Extras for a pilot, titled “Turkey Bacon”.

Extras needed for the following scenes:

These are all non-speaking; non-paying roles

Bar patrons: Any ethnicity. Must be over 21. Bar scene is being shot on Saturday, June 19th from 3:00am to approximately 10:30am. Please note the early morning call time.

Girl in bikini: Early to mid 20s. Caucasian or Hispanic. Lean physique. This scene is being shot on Saturday, June 19th at 8:00pm.

Couple: Male & Female. Early to mid 30s. Any ethnicity. This scene is being shot on Saturday, June 19th at 1:00pm.
