Thursday, April 15, 2010

“Z” Pictures Casting

“Z” Pictures presents…

“Bloody, Speed Dating”



Casting for:

o The Looker: male, 20’s-30’s, a good looking, young, well-built man looking for love in a speed dating session.
o Valley Girl: female, 20’s-30’s, a beautiful girl who is a bit ignorant due to her spoiled lifestyle who is looking for love in a speed dating session.
o Ms. Thang: female, 20’s-30’s, a beautiful girl who has grown up in the slums of the ghetto and regards herself highly for her looks who is looking for love in a speed dating session.
o Mamacita from the block: female, 20’s-30’s, a beautiful girl who regards herself highly for her looks with a bit of an attitude who is looking for love in a speed dating session.

Casting Dates:

April 17th, 2010. 10 am to 5 pm


(If you are extremely interested in one of these parts, but cannot make this time, contact Jordan Moore immediately and an appointment may be set up.)

Shooting Dates:

TBA at Session


Director’s (Eric Zaragoza) Home, 4454 Harbour Lights Ct. Orlando, FL 32817

Previous Work:

For more information contact:

Jordan Moore at and 818.282.3992