Thursday, February 18, 2010

UCF Short Film

CASTING CALL: Last Two Years of David Brachman

Genre: Dark offbeat comedy

Logline: On his 25th birthday, David Brachman decides to give himself two years to change his whole life; or end it altogether if he can’t.


David Brachman – Lead:




David Brachman’s life didn’t turn out the way it was supposed to. David has very little going for him between an ex-girlfriend who’s moved on and a band that’s going nowhere. On his 25th birthday he decides to try to change that in the next two years, or commit suicide if he fails. His friends don’t believe his ultimatum. He is lost and this makes him miserable.

Great Uncle:

Pushing 90 years old.



A catatonic 85 year old man in a wheelchair with a vague look in his eyes who occasionally drools. David’s first confidant.





A middle-aged Aunt who tries too hard to be in tune with the pop culture that interests people under the age of 30.

You may prepare a monologue, max 3 minutes

Sides will be provided.

No payment/SAG Differed

This is an ultra low budget film.


Saturday February 20, 2010

10AM – 2 PM

UCF The School of Film and Digital Media Building

500 West Living Street

Orlando FL 32801

Conference Room

Parking Instructions:

Park in the TD Waterhouse Arena parking lot. You do not have to pay for parking; just say that you are working with UCF. If any ticket attendant tries to get you to pay, call René Arriaza immediately. Her number is 407.456.1757.

It is most logical place to park is in the last row closest to Livingston Street. Once parked, cross the street and enter The School of Film and Digital Media at the main entrance. Sign in with security- it’s the building’s policy. Turn right, follow the signs, and head down a very long hallway. Sign in for the Audition with the Production Assistant. We will call you into the audition room.

The nature of this project:

Handley Entertainment owned by René Arriaza, a University of Central Florida undergraduate film student, is producing an ultra low budget film for Marcos Casilli for his graduate thesis, the feature film: THE LAST TWO YEARS OF DAVID BRACHMAN. The feature is scheduled to film in June of 2010 however; this short film, one of the pivotal scenes from the script is being filmed within the next 30 days to show to potential investors we are serious about making a festival worthy feature film with a strong story.

If you have questions or are interested in being updated on this project, please e-mail René Arriaza at

Thank you.

End Message-

René Arriaza
Handley Entertainment
(c) 407.456.1757