Monday, April 6, 2009

Paid Job

Broken Phonebooth Productions



DESCRIPTION: Short allegorical film for use in ministry context

RATE: $175 – Lead
$75 – Actor
Food, copy of DVD and payment (if possible) on shoot day

USAGE: Global Short Film Network

AUDITION: Thursday - April 9, 2009
2:00 – 5:00 PM

LOCATION: Campus Crusade for Christ
100 Lake Hart Drive
Orlando, FL 32832

CALLBACK: TBD – possibly none

SHOOT DATE: Thursday - April 16, 2009

ROLES: Lead – male, early 20s, any ethnicity. Must be comfortable with having shirt off.

Actor – male, early 20s, any ethnicity. Lead’s buddy.
Will only be working approximately ½ day.

We are looking for actors with good improvisational skills as there are no lines. Actors will need to be able to emote and express themselves well. They also need to be able to be dead pan with some dry humor. Physically, actors will need to be able to handle kneeling, standing, etc. as well as “crashing around” in a small room.

DRESS: Audtion: Basketball gym clothes.
Shoot date: Lead will need to provide own suit & tie.

INFORMATION: Please email me your name and the time you would like to audition as I will need to provide the information to the guard at the gate.
407-383-2316 C